The BC coast is home to the people, communities, traditional territories, languages, artistry, technologies, and governance of an amazing diversity of Indigenous cultures, many of which are more than 15,000 years old.
During all of our expeditions, regardless of the focus, we always acknowledge, and share with our guests, the First Nations whose traditional territories we are visiting. And whenever possible, we visit communities and meet with First Nation leaders and cultural ambassadors who welcome us to their territories and introduce us to their culture and communities.
Some of our expeditions include specific cultural site visits. These include: SGang Gwaay UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the ancient Haida villages of K’uuna Llnagaay (Skedans), T’aanuu Llnagaay (Tanu), Hlk’yah GawGa (Windy Bay), and Gandll K’in Gwaay.yaay (Hotsprings Island) in Gwaii Haanas; and the Huu-ay-aht ancient village and fortress National Historic Site of Kiixin, on the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Our expeditions also frequently take our guests to the Indigenous communities of HlGagilda (Skidegate) and Gaw (Masset) of the Haida Nation, Waglisla/Bella Bella (Heiltsuk Nation), Klemtu (Kitaoo/Xai’xais Nation), Hartley Bay (Gitga’at Nation), and Annacla (Huu-ay-aht Nation).
In addition to specific cultural sites we visit are the frequent and ubiquitous encounters with the cultural footprints of these cultures that are readily found everywhere we visit. These include massive shell middens, clam gardens, wooden-stake and stone fish traps, and culturally-modified trees (CMTs), which are all representations of those who have been stewarding these lands and waterways since time immemorial.
With the help and guidance of community leaders, cultural interpreters, and coastal archaeologists and anthropologists, we look forward to respectfully introducing our guests to the ancient and contemporary Indigenous cultures of the BC coast.
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Monday – Thursday
9:00 – 3:00 (Pacific Time)
Box 1165, Cobble Hill, BC, V8H 0C5, Canada